ACD’s governance structure:

  • The Board of Directors – a skills-based Board currently comprising 2 elected Directors (President and President-elect) and 5 appointed Directors (3 Fellows and 2 Independent)
  • Sub-committees of the Board (Audit and Risk; Nominations and Governance; Investment)
  • Committees reporting to the Board, some with trainee and/or external/community representation
  • The Trainee Representatives Committee
  • Other operational and special interest committees

Key to College’s governance, with a functional but non-reporting role, are the 5 College Faculties. These sit at the interface between ACD, Fellows, trainees and the health system, and have a direct link to the Board and ACD’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO). ACD staff provide secretariat, operational and strategic support for committees.

Chief Executive Officer

Haley Bennett BSc(Hons), PhD

Haley was appointed CEO in February 2022, having joined ACD in 2016 and held several roles including Deputy CEO from 2019. Haley continues to lead significant growth and development across the College, having established the Member Services and Policy, Advocacy and Engagement portfolios, driving strategic innovation in training, governance, strategy, culture and operations, and building ACD’s external education business. Haley has extensive and international experience in health – in governance, strategy, communications, policy, stakeholder engagement and research. Commencing her career in academia, Haley received a PhD from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney and held a post-doctoral research position in Glasgow, UK, before having various communications, policy and strategy roles in the commercial, not-for-profit and public sectors.


Dr Adriene Lee, MBBS (Hons) BSc (Med) FACD, GAICD

Dr Adriene Lee has been a dermatologist since 2005 and works in private practice in Melbourne.  She is a visiting dermatologist at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne, the Skin Health Institute and North Western Regional Health Services, Burnie, Tasmania. She has an honorary appointment at Monash Health and is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the School of Clinical Sciences at Monash Health. She has an interest in medical dermatology, in particular contact dermatitis.



Dr Adrian Lim is a Sydney-based dermatologist with a subspecialty interest in phlebology, cosmetic dermatology and lasers. He is a Clinical Senior Lecturer with the University of Sydney and a staff specialist at the Royal North Shore Hospital where he runs the burns scar laser clinic and cutaneous neurofibromatosis clinic. He is in private practice with a focus on laser therapy.


Dean of Education

Dr Catherine Drummond, MBBS(Hons), FRACGP, DCCH (Edin), FACD

Dr Catherine Drummond became a Fellow of The Australasian College of Dermatologists in 2004. She works in solo private practice in Canberra and Moruya (NSW south coast), and at The Skin Hospital, Darlinghurst, Sydney.


Board Director

Dr Eleni Yiasemides, MBBS(Hons), MMed, FACD

Dr Eleni Yiasemides MBBS(Hons), MMed, FACD is a practicing dermatologist since 2011. She is a director of SouthDerm Pty Ltd and Southern Suburbs Day Procedure Centre Pty Ltd. She performs Mohs surgery and is a cosmetic proceduralist. She has been the chair and member of the Mohs committee, chair and member of the A to Z committee and an ACD procedural examiner.

Board Director
Professor Kiarash Khosrotehrani, MD PhD FACD.
Professor Khosrotehrani is a clinical scientist, dermatologist, interested in skin biology, regenerative medicine and skin cancer.

Genevieve Dolan's email & phone | Department of Premier and Cabinet (Vic)'s Chief Communications Officer and Chief of Protocol email

Board Director
Ms Carden Calder is an experienced professional in corporate affairs, public relations, strategic and digital communication. She is the founder and managing director of BlueChip Communication, a market-leading firm in financial services communication, marketing, and PR.
Carden holds a Bachelor of Business Management from the Queensland University of Technology, is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and is an LGBTIQ+ ally.

Board Director

Mr Andrew Herrick, MBA (Hons), BSc Physics (Hons).

Andrew Herrick is a senior executive in the Financial Services industry, with experience leading strategy functions in the insurance and wealth management sectors.

New South Wales
Chair  Dr Rebecca Saunderson
Chair Elect  Dr Geetha Sivapirabu
Secretary Dr Artiene Tatian
Treasurer Dr Gilberto Moreno
DoT (Senior) Dr Michelle McRae
DoT (3rd/4th Year)  Dr Gilberto Moreno
DoT (1st/2nd Year) Dr Esther Hong
Junior Faculty Liaison Dr Dana Slape
Academic Liaison Office Prof Linda Martin
Rural Representative Dr Rachael Anforth
Examiner Dr Kavita Enjeti
Examiner Dr Shien-Ning Chee

Chair A/Prof Aaron Robinson
Chair-Elect Prof Johannes Kern
Secretary Dr Chasari Toy Tancharoen
Treasurer Dr Niyati Sharma
DoT  Dr Antoinette Ciconte
DoT  Dr Matthew Palmer
Examiner (Chief) Dr Michelle Goh
Examiner Dr Laura Scardamaglia
Examiner Dr Matheen Mohamed

Chair Dr Sam Scuderi
Chair Elect Dr Simon Yong-Gee
Secretary Dr Melissa Manahan
DoT (Advanced) Dr Samantha Conias
DoT (Basic) Prof Peter Soyer
Examiner Dr Rob Miller
Examiner Dr Laura Wheller

South Australia
Chair Dr Sachin Vaidya
Secretary Dr Yu-Chuan Lee
Treasurer Dr Chris Tyson
DoT Dr Rachel Manifold
Examiner Dr Emma Ryan
Examiner Dr Sally Ball

Western Australia
Chair Dr Su-Lin Chan
Secretary Dr Louise O’Halloran
Treasurer Dr Patricia Le
DoT Dr Genevieve Sadler
Executive Member Dr Thomas Delaney
Examiner (chief) Dr Graham Thom
Examiner Dr Jamie Von Nida

ACD Governance Structure