On this final day of 7 Days of Skin Health, we want to remind you of the importance of looking after your skin, hair and nails with some helpful tips for what you can do, including when and how to seek help.

As the largest organ of our body, the skin is our first line of defence against the external environment so we need to look after it.

Taking care of you

Our articles over the past week have provided expert information on the best way to look after our skin, including skincare routines, using sunscreen and checking your skin regularly.

Looking after the skin on our scalp is also important for healthy hair. Our article on hair includes information on how to look after our scalp and hair, including using mild shampoos and conditioners, which hairstyles are likely to damage the hair follicles in the scalp and when you should seek help from a medical practitioner.

Our nails are also an indicator of overall health and Tuesday’s article on nails details how to care for our nails, what changes to look out for and when to seek help.

Keeping safe

In today’s society the use of cosmetic procedures such as botox and soft tissue fillers can be seen as simple low risk procedures however as our article on cosmetic procedures points out, these procedures should be considered in the same way you would consider any medical treatment. 

Choosing someone who is properly trained and asking questions is important to avoid potential scarring, disfigurement or irritation of an underlying condition.

Don’t suffer in silence

Problems with your skin, hair or nails can be distressing and it is important not to suffer in silence. The message throughout the past week that we hope you have heard is if you notice anything out of the ordinary with your skin, hair or nails, seek professional advice. Your GP will be able to refer you to a dermatologist if you need specialist care.

How a dermatologist can help

Dermatologists are specialists in treating conditions of the skin, hair and nails and are trained to diagnose, treat and manage more than 3,000 skin, hair and nail conditions. These conditions can be complex and a dermatologist will work with you to find a diagnosis and develop a management plan for your ongoing treatment. 

To find out more about what a dermatologist does and how to see one visit our community page.

Support for people with skin, hair and nail conditions

Patient Support Groups in Australia provide practical and emotional support to help people, their carers and their families cope up with their chronic skin, hair and nail conditions. To find a patient support group, visit our patient support groups page

Test your knowledge – take the quiz!

Don’t forget to take our quiz to see if you are up to date with the latest advice on the best way to care for your skin, hair and nails.

If you have missed any of our articles during the week, visit our 7 Days of Skin Health page.