CPD Application for Exemption
CPD Support and Resources

ACD Audit

At the end of every cycle up to a minimum of 5% of Fellows are chosen for audit of their compliance with the College’s program and in line with the requirements of AHPRA. All Fellows will be informed that the audit will be occurring. 

The audit is in place to ensure participants in College’s CPD program: 

  • Undertake meaningful professional development 
  • Meet their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements under the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) Registration Standard: Continuing Professional Development (the Standard) 
  • Easily demonstrate that they have done so should they be audited by the MBA. 
  • Undertaking an audit also enables College to identify and support Fellows who may need additional support. 

Participants are chosen at random using an electronic system. They are notified they are being audited and are required to supply documentation for the minimum points supporting their claims for the cycle. Fellows will have six weeks to comply with the audit requirements. A letter of compliance will be issued to those who have met the requirements. 

For full details refer to the CPD Policy