Our vision for reconciliation

Our vision is that by working together in relationships built on respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions, histories and cultures, we can move forward together to achieve positive change and equity in skin health outcomes. 

A Reconciliation Action Plan is a framework for organisations to realise their vision for reconciliation

Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) are practical plans of action built on relationships, respect and opportunities. A RAP will support an organisation to work towards creating social change and economic opportunities with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. ACD released our first Reflect RAP in 2017.


RAPs have been designed as a practical support for organisations as they travel the reconciliation journey. The process for having a RAP and having it endorsed is led by Reconciliation Australia. You can find extensive information about RAPs, what they mean and how they are developed on the Reconciliation Australia website.

Our ‘Innovate’ RAP

ACD is proud to launch our second Innovate RAP which provides the next steps in our reconciliation journey. 

Our Innovate RAP 2022-2024 outlines our ongoing commitment to strengthening our relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations, to addressing inequitable access and supporting delivery of culturally safe care to First Nations patients and communities, and to fostering the First Nations specialist dermatology workforce. 

We look forward to working together to achieve an equitable and just future that is free from racism and rich in understanding, respect and opportunity. 

Our work to strengthen relationships and opportunities

Find out more about our work to strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities for better skin health outcomes. 

Skin Like Country artwork


Artist: Riki Salam, Principal, Creative Director and artist of We are 27 Creative developed “Skin Like Country” for the Australasian College of Dermatologists’ first Reconciliation Action Plan. 

ACD was delighted to work with Riki again for our ‘Innovate’ RAP.

Skin is like Country, it is who we are, it is our identity.

We are one with this Land, we are born from this earth and return to this Country.

All country is different, all skin is different – we must all look after it.

This artwork looks at the correlation between our skin which is our body’s largest organ and the Country or place were we are from, and how Country is a big part of our identity as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. We are connected as one, when land needs healing we have a duty to take care of it, the same way we need to take care of our skin.

Pathways lead from the outside toward the centre of the artwork, the country is very dry and arid as the viewer moves closer to the middle, the country whilst still challenging becomes more fertile and lush – water flows rejuvenating the land and enriching the country.

The central motif represents a meeting place of people coming together – the Australasian College of Dermatologists and the knowledge that is researched, shared and learnt, a place of Learning a place of Healing.