Information and support for Indigenous doctors and medical students considering a career in dermatology

The Australasian College of Dermatologists is committed to encouraging and supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students and doctors as they consider and pursue a career in dermatology.

The College is the only organisation accredited to train and assess dermatologists in Australia.

If you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical student or doctor interested in pursuing a career in dermatology, we encourage you to read the information below and to get in touch with one of our trainees or Fellows to find out more about the application requirements and steps you can take to meet these.

Who is eligible to apply for the training program?

To become a dermatologist it is necessary to be a registered medical practitioner who has resident status in Australia and to complete the specified program of medical training.

How can I find out more?

  • Visit LIME’s Indigenous Pathways into Specialisation Online Resource – a central, online, searchable database for Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Māori prospective trainees to find the best fit for you as they more from medical school into specialisation. The ACD collaborated with LIME in the development of this resource.
  • Connect with us at a networking event. College regularly participates in networking activities and conferences run by the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association and The LIME Network. These are a great opportunity for you to find out more about our training program and a career in dermatology.
  • Attend our Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM). College has established an award for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students / junior doctors with an interest in dermatology to attend the ASM. Find out how to apply here.
  • Talk to one of our trainees or fellows. Members of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee would be happy to discuss the training program with you – what it involves and what you can do towards meeting the entry requirements. To view the members of the committee and get in touch click here.
  • College has a dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Graduates Training position for a doctor who meets the other requirements of selection into the dermatology training program. Find out more here.
  • Detailed information on the training program and the process to become a dermatologist is available here.

What support is available for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees?

  • College has a mentoring and wellbeing program in place for all trainees.  The mentoring program continues across the four years of training.
  • Our dedicated Trainee Wellbeing and Engagement team ensures all trainees have a voice and receive the support they need throughout the training program.
  • Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee and Trainee Representatives Committee provide Indigenous trainees with the opportunity to have their voice heard and contribute to College decision-making.
  • Each year we aim to offer an education grant for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander trainees in advance years of the training program. Funded by Janssen’s Educational and Medical Grants Program for healthcare-related organisations, the grant is administered by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee.