Changes to Medicare funded dermatology services

Posted 6 years ago

From 1 November 2018, the Government will introduce a number of changes to a range of Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) dermatology, allergy and immunology items following recommendations from the MBS Review Taskforce, pending parliamentary scrutiny.

These changes stem from recommendations put forward in the MBS Review Taskforce’s Dermatology, Allergy and Immunology Clinical Committee (DAICC) report, released for public consultation in May 2017. College sought the views of Fellows on these recommendations through a survey announced in the weekly newsletter and the website during May and June 2017. College thanks all Fellows for their contribution to College’s submission to the Taskforce.

The College also thanks Associate Professor Stephen Shumack (Chair), Dr Elizabeth Willsteed, Dr Phillip Bekhor and Dr Shawn Richards for their work on the DAICC Committee and working groups.

Specific information about these changes will be advised by the Department closer to the implementation date of 1 November 2018.

Visit the Department of Health’s website to view the Departmental media release or the MBS Taskforce’s recommendations to Government.